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Propeller, a beer for the Colombian Air Forces

We worked on the branding and concept development for a unique project - crafting a beer for the Colombian Air Forces. We used the evolution of their aircraft and the tallest mountains in Colombia as part of our creative inspiration.


Role: Graphic Designer

Creative Director: David Rodriguez

Creative Team: Miguel Dulcey and Andres Martinez 

Copy: Ana Dominguez


Air force Aircraft

Tallest mountains in Colombia

We designed three distinct labels that depict the progression of aircraft, the Colombian flag colours, and illustrations of the highest mountains in the country - Pico Cristobal Colón (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta), Pico Simón Bolívar, and Pico Ritacuba (Sierra Nevada del Cocuy). Our primary goal was to create a brand that highlights the grandeur of Colombian nature, as well as the 100-year history of the Air Force.

Lager, Amber and Dark




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